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CTR Pepto Twistin
Mares > Pepper - 2015

CTR Pepto Twistin (2015) was bred, raised and trained as a 2-year old by the Circle T Ranch  and is by CTR Peptolena (by Peptoboonsmal) and out of Twistin Hickory 30 (1994) who is a 80% sister to High Brow Cat. Her red dun  stallion Little Twistin Juan (by Juans Little Peppy) stands at the R.A.  Brown Ranch in Texas. He has sired quick and fancy foals including two World Show Qualifiers in Team Roping and Versatility Ranch Horse. As a 3 yo she was trained by Lisa Mayer who started to show her in AQHA Working Cowhorse and at the NRCHA Futurity in Ontario. As she was a handful and lacked social competence, Pepper spent the winter in the herd learning manners. In Spring we decided to have her join our broodmare band as she would have needed more re-training than we could provide at the time. Still, this mare doesn't lack talent, speed and grit!


RVVR Smart Shania (2021) by RVVR DreamCatcher is not impressed by too much but she is as quick as she is fast.

Chesley, Ontario, Canada: +1 519 270 5273
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